My fingers, wrists, and forearms are dying right now! Every little punch on the keyboard sends a shooting pain up my arm. OUCH! This entry may have to be short. I know, I know, I did this to myself. My bad!
Tonight's date plans changed due to weather, but I think it was meant to be. Johnny and I met up around 6:30pm and set off for our rock climbing adventure. I have known Johnny for a few years now, and knew that he had to be one of my 10 dates. He is so laid back and chill, it calms me down just being around him. The first thing that really stood out to me when I met Johnny was how kind he is. He has a knack for finding the people who really need a friend and making them feel included. That could mean sitting by them, or just asking how they are and then really listening to the answer. He's the kind of person that makes you want to be better. I knew this date was going to be great.
Finding things to talk about with Johnny required no effort at all. He is in school to be an occupational therapist. He's so patient and encouraging, this job was made for him. On the way to the rock wall we stopped by the best little taco trailer in Houston. It was so good. I am not one to eat spicy food at all, (I just can't deal with food causing pain) but this place is worth it. Johnny even got to use his mad Spanish skills to order. I don't know why he would choose chicharo when there was some perfectly good fajita meat there, but to each their own. :)
We coached and cheered each other up the walls. It was great helping each other succeed and dodging one another when we lost our grips and came swinging down. After about 5 walls my fingers and arms were done. Of course that meant that Johnny was just getting started free climbing the boulders. This kid was a natural! He continued to climb around as I changed, and we got in the car.
I feel like we could have talked about anything. Our discussion on the drive home was a little more serious as we talked about our hang ups with dating, and what we hope to change to be better daters. He was exactly the person I needed to be with tonight. He helped bring things into perspective. What a wonderful man! Thanks Johnny! You "rock"ed my world! (Get it?. . ."rock" wall. . .oh whatever.)
Peace out, Blog!
Fun date! And just so you know... I totally laughed really hard at your joke! :)
Amaziing guys!! I'm rooting for date #2!!..woot wooot ;)
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