Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 29 - Jessica & Adam

Adam was the first boy (man? Please excuse my tangent, but when exactly will I feel comfortable calling my peers men and women??) that I asked to be my date back when all this craziness was in the works. He didn't wait to hear the explanations about the project, all I got out was, "Adam, will you go on a date with me for..." and he cut in with, "Yes!" I then explained the project and he was still enthusiastic and willing. He wanted to wait to be one of the last dates, which worked out really well since I've been feeling a little burnt out. It was so nice to know that date #8 was already locked and loaded.

I've known Adam for about eight months now. We work together, and actually started at our company on the same day. It took a little while for us to become friends, but thank goodness we made it happen because Adam makes every day that I work a little brighter and better. I've been looking forward to spending time together outside of work, and Adam didn't disappoint.

While I was waiting for Adam to arrive tonight, (he insisted on picking me up from my house instead of meeting at the office, the first of MANY kind and thoughtful things from tonight!) I got a flash of nervousness. I think I know Adam pretty well, but the first time you see someone in an unfamiliar setting can be nerve-wracking. I shouldn't have worried. This was one of the best of the bunch as far as the dating project dates go.

Adam rang my doorbell and I answered to see him holding a beautiful bouquet of cheerful, long-stemmed sunflowers for me.
(My mom cut the stems before she transferred them to a vase.) I hear there are girls out there that don't like getting flowers, and I'd just like to say to them, I DON'T GET YOU! Flowers just seem so thoughtful and my heart sings a little each and every time I get any, be it a single flower picked from a field or an elaborate store-bought bouquet.

After setting the flowers in a safe place, Adam and I officially began our evening together. Long ago, Adam indicated that he wanted to be the one to take charge and plan our date together, and I was happy to give him the reins. He told me in the car that he wanted to eat at a good sushi place he knew of. Honestly, I felt apprehensive about the idea, but I put a smile on my face and told him I was game! I'm so glad I did, even though Adam told me later he had a back up plan if I had said no (Do girls really do that? Say no to an idea when a boy suggests it for a date and has obviously put some thought into it?) The restaurant we went to had a great atmosphere and the food was really delicious. Adam was kind enough to share his spicy tuna and california rolls with me, and I'm a little surprised to be able to say that I really liked both of them. Enough that I plan to go back and order the full servings of them myself. Thank you Adam for FINALLY inducting me into the cool kids' club of sushi lovers. I've been on the outside sadly looking in for many years now.

Adam revealed that he wanted to eat sushi for irony's sake, because the second part of the evening he had planned was a trip to the Aquarium in downtown Houston! The aquarium is home to several interesting fish, reptiles, birds and even tigers. Adam and I were fascinated by the sheer number of sea creatures, and how different and beautiful all of the fish and various other creatures were. We got to pet sting rays, small sharks and star fish. We went through the whole aquarium once then felt compelled to go backwards and see everything again. Whoever's heavenly assignment it is to design colors, patterns and shapes of fish must love their job. They're sure an amazing artist! ;-)

(Please excuse what my closest friends refer to as my "Crazy Eyes" in this picture. It's bad, I know, but I feel like I had to include the picture anyway)

Now to rave about Adam himself for just a little while. I just really enjoy his company SO much. He is smart, witty, thoughtful (as in kind and also as in contemplative) and complimentary. I was happy to see that those qualities that he displays on a daily basis translated and were even magnified outside of work. It's obvious in his mannerisms and conversation that he appreciates and respects women, and I noticed and greatly appreciated how "present" he was for this date. It was more than just helping me with my project, he put real thought and attention into our time together, which was evident both in his planning and during the date. Being around Adam helps me to feel confident, interesting, funny, smart, and valuable. There are people out there that when you spend time with them, your own best qualities are amplified naturally. He is one of those people.

As for our conversations tonight, we couldn't avoid talking about work a little, but we caught ourselves and quickly moved on to bigger and better topics. Adam asked several thought provoking questions, and gave equally thought provoking answers when I was the one asking questions. He (of course) has a brother and no sisters. (p.s. did I mention Gary from the other night also only has a brother?The trend continues...) The nice thing about going on a first date with someone you already know and have established a relationship with is that you have a foundation to dig in to the nitty gritty parts of each others' lives. Adam and I have good conversations almost daily at work, but in this setting I especially enjoyed getting to know him on a deeper level.

Adam recently accepted a job offer in another state. While I am so happy for him to move into a new and exciting phase of his life, I am sad to see him leave. I'll miss working with him and talking to him on a regular basis. And now that I know how great he is outside of work, the loss is felt even more. Adam, if you're reading this, thank you for being a great coworker and WAY more importantly, my friend. And thank you so much for this wonderful evening together. You are just plain good people, and an exceptional man (Typing that instead of boy felt slightly less weird than I thought it would, lol), and I will miss you. K.I.T., okay? Okay!

So there you have it folks, Date Eight was most definitely a smashing success and I had a great time. Do you have it in you to read about two more? I sure hope so! Goodnight!

Why pay for pictures when you can just take a picture of them with your own camera!

1 comment:

Mauren said...

I love it!! It sounds like you had a fantastic time!!

Amen on the flower comment. Who doesn't love to get flowers?! And welcome to the sushi club. We should plan a trip soon. :)

Can't wait to read about your next few dates!